INFO AND BOOKING: +39 347 0705602


VR Back to the past trasparente

Guided tours in the Eternal City
with virtual reality

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Imperial ROME

The birthday of Rome is celebrated every year on April 21st to commemorate the day in 753 BC when Romulus is said to have founded the city by marking out its boundaries. Can you imagine how many stories a city born over 2700 years ago has to tell? Now, imagine what it would mean to be able to relive them with your eyes open.

In a city as grand and marvelous as Rome, layered and hidden, virtual reality allows you to discover the architectural glory of the imperial city, the elegant and majestic ancient buildings, the places of public life and their daily routine.

It allows you to know it, understand it, teach it and have fun with it. The city won’t seem the same to you anymore!

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Description of the itinerary and stops

The Colosseum

In the entire empire games and shows exerted an enormous attraction and the Romans believed that those in the capital were, in terms of quantity and quality, the best in the world as it was then known. For this reason, in the first century A.D., the Emperor Vespasian decided to build in Rome the largest amphitheatre ever to have existed, called the Flàvio amphitheatre, later known as the Colosseum.

The Ludus Magnus

Combat between gladiators was considered a sport, and the protagonists were therefore professional sportsmen who trained to improve their physical condition and their tactics. Lùdus Màgnus, the most important of the lùdi built by Domitian, consisted of a courtyard with a large arena for training, a cavea which could hold up to 3000 spectators and a series of cells to house the gladiators. An underground corridor connected the Lùdus Màgnus directly with the Colosseum.

The Augustus Forum

In 27 B.C., Augustus was proclaimed emperor, giving a new impulse to Rome’s social, cultural and artistic life and, in general, to the entire empire. In that period triumphal arches were erected in his honour, new aqueducts, theatres and temples were built and not least, given its artistic and social value, and the Forum of Augustus. It consisted of a large square flanked by porticoes with colonnades and exedrae. There was a massive wall, over 30 metres in height, at the rear for security.

The Forum of Trajan

Trajan’s Forum the last and most impressive of the Imperial Forums.  It was designed by the famous architect, Apollodorus of Damascus. He built it between 107 and 112 A.D., after having levelled the entire area, destroying everything that stood in the way  from the Campidoglio (Capitol Hill) to the Quirinale (Quirinal Hill). An interesting detail of the Trajan Forum is that it housed what we would  today define as a shopping centre.


The ìnsula was what we would term today as a neighborhood. It consisted of buildings on several floors with inner courtyards and flats to rent on the top floors. At street level, there were nearly always porticoes with shops, artisans’ workshops, laundries, public baths and sometimes small places of worship.

The Theatre of Marcellus

The theatre of Marcellus is one of the most ancient Roman buildings dedicated to the theatre to have survived to our day. The building of the theatre was planned by Julius Caesar but was completed at the end of the 1st century B.C. by Augustus, in honour of his beloved nephew Marcellus, who  had died prematurely. The year 17 B.C. saw the celebration of the lùdi saeculàres, spectacular games  that was held in Rome about every 110 years.

The Circus Maximus

The Circus Maximus is considered to be the largest building ever to have been constructed for games. It was 600 metres long and 140 metres wide and could hold 250,000 people! Julius Caesar gave it the imposing permanent appearance which characterized it for a long time and later, the emperor Augustus  had a majestic podium built on the Palatine side where the magnificent imperial villas were situated.

This is the moment... Try it!

Start the demo and use the sliders to look around (you’ll find them in the video on the top left corner)! In person, in addition to this amazing reconstruction, you’ll enjoy the sensation of being completely immersed in the virtual reality of Ancient Rome, thanks to VR headsets and the feeling of a three-dimensional environment!

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Book your Tour

Have you ever tried virtual reality headsets? Do you know what to expect and are you ready to travel through time? Or is this your first time considering a guided tour with this technology and you want to learn more? We want your experience to be exciting, just as it is for us to do this work, and that’s why we invite you to contact us to build together the program that suits you, your family, your friends, or the institution you represent.

Please note that activities with VR headsets can include: guided tours of art and archaeological sites, educational activities and classroom lessons, customized activities for groups of adults or children with a dedicated official guide and personalized itineraries.

You can use the phone number +39 347 0705602 (available on WhatsApp), send an email to or fill out the form below to tell us what kind of activity you would like to organize.

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